We’re shaping an energy future
Nuclear PL is the first company in Poland providing comprehensive services for the nuclear power sector.
The company has been founded by an experienced group of local power and nuclear engineering specialists.
Full support at every stage
Nuclear PL is the first company in Poland providing comprehensive services for the nuclear power sector.
The company has been founded by an experienced group of local power and nuclear engineering specialists.
Knowledge, experience, passion
Nuclear PL is the first company in Poland providing comprehensive services for the nuclear power sector.
The company has been founded by an experienced group of local power and nuclear engineering specialists.

About Us
Full Support
We provide our Customers with support in the areas related to nuclear power, including research and technologies, economy, safety and security, legal support, environmental assessments, site studies, as well as application of nuclear techniques in medicine and industry.
We preform technical, engineering and legal expert studies, and organise specialist trainings for Customers involved in construction of nuclear power facilities, as well as those just starting their nuclear activities. Besides, we engage in research and development projects related to nuclear energy and technologies.

Nuclear PL team consists of experts with a set of experience and skills unique in Polish environment. Our expertise is associated with nuclear power and technologies, but we also have vast competences related to management of large power generation and industrial facility construction. Thanks to our rich knowledge of technology, safety, sites and environment, as well as skills associated with management of large power generation projects, we realise a need and significance of ensuring safety, responsibility and transparency in all aspects of nuclear power.
Significantly, Nuclear PL has no formal ties to any other stakeholders of the nuclear power market: neither administrative institutions, nor commercial entities: investors, nuclear technology vendors, contractors etc. This translates to full professionalism, objectivism and good dynamic of operations.
The Team
Paweł Żbikowski
Graduate of the Nuclear Engineering programme at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology. For nearly 25 years professionally involved in power station construction business, mostly on the side of general contractors. Outside of his professional obligations, Paweł has been involved for 24 years in promoting knowledge on nuclear energy. He is the originator and founder of the “nuclear.pl” web portal, as well as “nuclear.pl” Foundation, of which he is the President. He is also a member of the Management Board of the SEREN association of pro-nuclear environmentalists and a member of the Polish Nuclear Association.
Adam Rajewski
Power engineering specialist, graduate of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, and a reactor physics course at the Oregon State University. Adam has fourteen years of experience in working for large industrial corporations, where he was involved in particular in development of high-resilience low-emission power generation and supply systems, as well as preparation of delivery of power stations of different scale. He also has vast experience in specialist translation projects, including documentation for nuclear power projects. Alongside his commercial career, Adam has been working since 2009 at his alma mater as a researcher and academic teacher, involved in teaching fundamentals of thermodynamics, power generation systems with special focus on renewable and nuclear technologies, as well as research related to development of low-emission power generation. For many years he has participated in various projects focused on popularising knowledge about nuclear power for various audiences, from energy sector specialists to schoolchildren. Co-author of numerous analytical studies concerning nuclear power sector, including analyses of Polish industry’s capabilities to participate in nuclear power deployment in the country. Vice-President of the “nuclear.pl” Foundation, member of the High Scientific Council of the European Nuclear Society and member of the Polish Nuclear Association.
Maciej Lipka
Nuclear power and technology specialist. Maciej has more than a decade of experience in nuclear reactor safety analyses, as well as designing and engineering experimental in-core equipment. His primary focus includes nuclear reactor safety analyses, and optimisation of nuclear technique applications. He has been involved in development of new generation reactors and thermonuclear fusion, as well as projects aimed at enhancing capabilities of research reactors. He is also interested in issues of decarbonisation of the power generation sector, and cooperation of renewable and nuclear generation stations, as well as nuclear district heating. Maciej is a graduate of classic nuclear Power Engineering programme at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology. He is a Vice-President of the “nuclear.pl” Foundation, OECD/NEA expert (in the Expert Group on Reactor Fuel Performance), as well as a member of the Polish Nuclear Association.
Przemysław Gorzkowski
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, and the University of Cambridge British Law Centre. Przemysław has been professionally involved with the business of power station and industrial facility construction for eleven years. He provided advisory to many investment processes in the power industry, conventional (coal and gas-fired power stations), as well as renewable (waste-to-energy, hydroelectric plants, wind farms), as well as industrial projects (oil & gas), providing legal services in the largest power industry projects in Poland. He also provided legal advisory to project restructuring processes. He is a member of the Programme Board of the “nuclear.pl” Foundation.
dr inż. Paweł Gajda
Academic teacher at the Faculty of Energy and Fuels, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. Paweł specialises in nuclear power, and focuses on nuclear safety, role of nuclear power in low-emission power systems, reactor physics, and new generation reactor technologies. Participant of numerous international research projects on new reactor technologies. He has been trained at the Nuclear Technology and Education Center JAEA, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Saclay Nuclear Research Centre CEA. European Commission’s expert on evaluation of nuclear power research projects. Paweł is a Vice-President of the European Nuclear Society, organisation of nuclear specialists from 22 European countries and Israel, as well as a General Secretary of the Polish Nuclear

- Market studies and road maps
- Technology evaluation
- Project structuring, organisation, investor relations and management
- Economic modelling and defining business model
- Project audits and reviews
- Evaluation of risks and opportunities
- Advisory in the process of obtaining licences and reviews from the nuclear authorities
- Coordination of the process of obtaining nuclear site permits and construction licences in Poland
Specialist trainings
- Trainings for teams involved in nuclear projects, with different and properly tuned complexity (e.g. for administrative staff, technical experts, procurement departments, legal advisory units, insurance specialists, operational staff etc – fundamentals of nuclear power, specialist courses in nuclear reactor physics, fuel cycle and nuclear plant construction)
- Trainings for other stakeholders, not directly involved with specific projects, with tailor-made programmes
Site and environmental studies
Preparing and conducting the site evaluation and environmental impact assessment:
- Conducting works involving specialist subcontractors
- Development of a complete Environmental Impact Assessment
- Submission of the documentation to the General Directorate of Environmental Protection on behalf of the investor and management of the process of obtaining an environmental permit.
- Coordination of the process of obtaining a nuclear site permit and construction licence
Site pre-selection
Screening of nominated sites in terms of possibility of constructing a nuclear facility, taking into account:
- Grid interconnection
- Seismic conditions
- Cooling conditions
- Logistics (heavy equipment delivery)
- Existing environment protection measures and areas
- Noise emissions
- Schedule
Preparation of the procurement process
Development of a comprehensive request for proposals for nuclear technology vendors and general contractors:
- Definition of participation criteria, in cooperation with the Client
- Definition of the delivery limits
- Specification of required technical features and performance
- Identification of fundamental norms, standards, codes and regulations applicable for the order
- Definition of key technical requirements for disciplines
- Drafting commercial conditions for an RFP
Support at the tendering stage
Evaluation of submitted proposals in terms of:
- Compliance with requirements
- Completeness.
Support to the Client during contract negotiations:
- Concerning technical features and parameters
- Concerning legal and commercial conditions
Performing the function of contract engineer
- Supervising the contract execution on behalf of the Client
- Contract management and claim management
Social communication
Performing social communication activities on behalf of the Client, throughout the life of the project:
- Active information activities in the area of the site (setting up and running local information points, dissemination of knowledge on nuclear power by organising exhibitions, presentations, trainings among local community)
- National communication using electronic means
- Supervising and coordinating PR activities conducted by a specialist entity.
Translation services
- Translations of specialist technical documentation between English and Polish languages throughout the lifetime of the project
- Verification of terminology in translations performed by other suppliers.
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